The Company announced to adjust cash dividend ratio

Investor News & Events

The Company announced to adjust cash dividend ratio

Date of the resolution of the board of directors or shareholders’ meeting:


Type and monetary amount of original dividend distribution:

Cash dividend NT$494,275,000, each common share is entitled to receive NT$6.61466011

Type monetary amount of dividend distribution after the change:

Cash dividend NT$494,275,000, each common share is entitled to receive NT$6.57218246

Reason for the change:

As a result of the conversion of the Company’s convertible corporate bond and exercising the stock options from the Company’s Employee Stock Options Plan, the total number of outstanding shares has been changed to 75,207,133 shares, so the dividend ratio has been adjusted to distribute shareholder cash dividends of NT$6.57218246 per share.  The Chairman is authorized by the Board of Directors’ meeting held on 26 February, 2024 to make an adjustment on cash dividend distribution ratio.

Any other matters that need to be specified:


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